Hiking Experience - Nordic Walking
- 66-Seen Wanderweg
- Altmühltal-Panoramaweg
- Ausoniusweg
- Seensteig
- Burgenwanderweg / Naturpark Hoher Fläming
- Der Donauberglandweg
- Eifelsteig
- Elb-Höhenweg
- Fränkischer Gebirgsweg
- Frankenwald Burgenweg
- Gipfelwanderweg Suhl
- Goethewanderweg Ilmenau
- Goldsteig
- GrünGürtel Rundwanderweg
- Harzer-Hexen-Stieg
- Hermannshöhen
- Der Hochrhöner
- Kellerwaldsteig
- Kyffhäuserweg
- Losheimer Felsenweg
- Mühlensteig
- Mosel.Erlebnis.Route
- Der Oberlausitzer Bergweg
- Der Rennsteig
- Die elf Traumpfade
- Rheinsteig
- Der Rothaarsteig
- Sächsische Schweiz Malerweg
- Saar-Hunsrück-Steig
- Der Schluchtensteig
- Schwäbische Alb-Nordrandweg
- Sintfeld-Höhenweg
- Spessartwege 1 & 2
- Talsperrenweg Zeulenroda
- Uplandsteig
- Vogtland Panorama Weg
- Themenwanderweg „Von Bach zu Goethe“
- Vulkanring Vogelsberg
- Weinwanderweg Rhein-Nahe
- Weserberglandweg
- Westerwaldsteig
- Westweg
- Winterberger Hochtour
Contact (Route)
Region Vogelsberg Touristik GmbHVogelsbergstrasse 137a
D-63679 Schotten
Telefon +49 (0)6044 964848

Deutscher WanderverbandWilhelmshöher Allee 157-159
D-34121 Kassel
Tel.: +49 (0)561-93873-0
E-Mail: info@wanderverband.de
Vulkanring Vogelsberg
Length, Start/End
125km, circular tour from Laubach
Highest elevation: 617m
Altitude profile
125km, circular tour from Laubach
Highest elevation: 617m
Altitude profile

1. | Laubach - Rainrod | 15 km |
2. | Rainrod - Gedern | 21 km |
3. | Gedern - Ober-Moos | 23 km |
4. | Ober-Moos - Herbstein | 20 km |
5. | Herbstein - Ulrichstein | 24 km |
6. | Ulrichstein - Laubach | 22 km |
- discover a holiday region
Vogelsberg hills and the Wetterau region
German Avenues Route
German Fairytale Route
Fasanerie Palace Fulda
Vogelsberg hills and the Wetterau region
German Avenues Route
German Fairytale Route
Fasanerie Palace Fulda
Ober-Mooser-Teich nature reserve
The visitor centre run by the German Nature Conservation Association (NABU) is housed in an old lakeside house built in 1741. It is located in the Ober-Mooser-Teich nature reserve, which the regional branch of the NABU acquired from the Counts of Riedesel. The organisation now looks after this beautiful expanse of countryside, providing a habitat in which flora and fauna can flourish. The project is also intended to preserve traditional methods of lake management.
Ober-Mooser-Teich nature reserve
The visitor centre run by the German Nature Conservation Association (NABU) is housed in an old lakeside house built in 1741. It is located in the Ober-Mooser-Teich nature reserve, which the regional branch of the NABU acquired from the Counts of Riedesel. The organisation now looks after this beautiful expanse of countryside, providing a habitat in which flora and fauna can flourish. The project is also intended to preserve traditional methods of lake management.
Around the largest volcano in Europe
The Vulkanring Vogelsberg, which was newly marked out in 2005, is a circular trail in the Upper Vogelsberg nature reserve. Linking a number of natural and geological features, the 125km route runs along the edge of forests to vantage points through some of the most beautiful meadow and river valleys. It connects romantic villages and little medieval towns with beautifully kept palaces and parks. Walkers will discover a landscape shaped by volcanic activity not only in the valley of the 'black river' in the Oberwald with its bizarre basalt formations, but also in small disused quarries or as construction materials for houses, fountains and roads.
The Vogelsberg hills is the only range in central Europe where such colossal masses of lava have erupted from the depths of the planet. Between 7 and 13 million years ago, the molten mass spewed out of a myriad of funnels and fissures to form what is now Germany's only shield volcano. Erosion and weathering have since whittled the mountains down into a region of highlights, now clad with magnificent beech forests and open plains, divided up by dry stone walls and hedges and dotted with free-standing shady trees. Looking over the countryside from one of the many vantage points, visitors may feel as if they are in a large park.
The Oberwald, on the other hand, is covered in primeval forest. The sparsely populated range of hills with its wetlands and harsh winters has always been steeped in legend, which is no surprise considering it is in Hessen - a region known for its myths and fairytales. Nor is it any wonder that the Upper Vogelsberg region became Germany's first nature reserve in 1958. Easily accessible car parks, facilities and trails were also built around the highest elevations - Taufstein (773m), Hoherodskopf (764m), Herchenhainer Höhe (733m) and the Schlossberg in Ulrichstein - to help bring walkers closer to nature. The Vulkanring Vogelsberg is a fine addition to the 3,000km network of trails marked out by the Vogelsberg Rambling Club in the intervening years.
Travel Planner
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Travel Information
transport: Seasonal Vulkan-Express bus in Vogelsberg (May-Oct., Sat,
Sun and public holidays). Nearest train stations are Lauterbach,
Grünberg, Alsfeld and Nidda.
Car: A45/B455 from the Rhine/Main area, A5 from the north and west with links to secondary roads, from Fulda (A7) on B254 to Lauterbach.
Car: A45/B455 from the Rhine/Main area, A5 from the north and west with links to secondary roads, from Fulda (A7) on B254 to Lauterbach.
21.2 °F, heavy cloudsBremen
26.6 °F, brightDresden
28.4 °F, dull weatherDüsseldorf
32 °F, heavy cloudsErfurt
21.2 °F, cloudyFrankfurt
28.4 °F, heavy cloudsHamburg
23 °F, brightHannover
28.4 °F, cloudyKiel
24.8 °F, brightCologne
32 °F, heavy cloudsMagdeburg
28.4 °F, brightMainz
28.4 °F, heavy cloudsMunich
28.4 °F, cloudyPotsdam
23 °F, fogSaarbrücken
30.2 °F, snow showerSchwerin
15.8 °F, brightWiesbaden
28.4 °F, heavy clouds