Hiking Experience - Nordic Walking
- 66-Seen Wanderweg
- Altmühltal-Panoramaweg
- Ausoniusweg
- Seensteig
- Burgenwanderweg / Naturpark Hoher Fläming
- Der Donauberglandweg
- Eifelsteig
- Elb-Höhenweg
- Fränkischer Gebirgsweg
- Frankenwald Burgenweg
- Gipfelwanderweg Suhl
- Goethewanderweg Ilmenau
- Goldsteig
- GrünGürtel Rundwanderweg
- Harzer-Hexen-Stieg
- Hermannshöhen
- Der Hochrhöner
- Kellerwaldsteig
- Kyffhäuserweg
- Losheimer Felsenweg
- Mühlensteig
- Mosel.Erlebnis.Route
- Der Oberlausitzer Bergweg
- Der Rennsteig
- Die elf Traumpfade
- Rheinsteig
- Der Rothaarsteig
- Sächsische Schweiz Malerweg
- Saar-Hunsrück-Steig
- Der Schluchtensteig
- Schwäbische Alb-Nordrandweg
- Sintfeld-Höhenweg
- Spessartwege 1 & 2
- Talsperrenweg Zeulenroda
- Uplandsteig
- Vogtland Panorama Weg
- Themenwanderweg „Von Bach zu Goethe“
- Vulkanring Vogelsberg
- Weinwanderweg Rhein-Nahe
- Weserberglandweg
- Westerwaldsteig
- Westweg
- Winterberger Hochtour
Contact (Route)
Westerwald Touristik-ServiceKirchstrasse 48a
D-56410 Montabaur
Telefon +49 (0)2602 30010

Deutscher WanderverbandWilhelmshöher Allee 157-159
D-34121 Kassel
Tel.: +49 (0)561-93873-0
E-Mail: info@wanderverband.de
Length, Start/End
235km, Herborn - Bad Hönningen
Highest elevation: 657m
Altitude profile
235km, Herborn - Bad Hönningen
Highest elevation: 657m
Altitude profile

1. | Herborn - Breitscheid | 15,5 km |
2. | Breitscheid - Fuchskaute | 13 km |
3. | Fuchskaute - Rennerod | 15 km |
4. | Rennerod - Westerburg | 17 km |
5. | Westerburg - Dreifelden | 20,5 km |
6. | Dreifelden - Nistertal | 13,5 km |
7. | Nistertal - Bad Marienberg | 8 km |
8. | Bad Marienberg - Hachenburg | 14,5 km |
9. | Hachenburg - Limbach | 11 km |
10. | Limbach - Kloster Marienthal | 20 km |
11. | Kloster Marienthal - Weyerbusch | 17,5 km |
12. | Weyerbusch - Flammersfeld | 14,5 km |
13. | Flammersfeld - Horhausen | 15 km |
14. | Horhausen - Peterslahr/Oberlahr | 8,5 km |
15. | Peterslahr/Oberlahr - Neustadt-Kodden | 9 km |
16. | Neustadt-Kodden - Waldbreitbach | 18 km |
17. | Waldbreitbach - Arienheller | 13 km |
- discover a holiday region
German Limes Route
The Legendary Rhine-Romantic-Route
Oranier Route
UNESCO World Heritage the Limes
German Limes Route
The Legendary Rhine-Romantic-Route
Oranier Route
UNESCO World Heritage the Limes
Stöffel Fossil Park explores the tertiary period of Earth's history and doubles up as an industrial heritage site. The crater lake dates back 25 million years, and the interactive learning areas give you the chance to climb fixed rope routes, get involved in a number of hands-on activities, visit exhibitions and go on guided tours. Close to Stockum-Püschen, Enspel and Nistertal.
Stöffel Fossil Park explores the tertiary period of Earth's history and doubles up as an industrial heritage site. The crater lake dates back 25 million years, and the interactive learning areas give you the chance to climb fixed rope routes, get involved in a number of hands-on activities, visit exhibitions and go on guided tours. Close to Stockum-Püschen, Enspel and Nistertal.
Water, woods and wondrous views
The Westerwaldsteig is a top-quality walking route that opened in May 2008. As it makes its way through the Westerwald Forest from the Rhine to the River Dill, the trail keeps its promise of water, woods and wondrous views.
The 235km trail meanders through gorges and geoparks, stops at enchanting little medieval towns and passes endless sights and attractions: the idyllic lakes of the Kroppacher Schweiz region, magnificent abbeys and secluded countryside chapels, mighty castles overlooking the Wied river, old-fashioned mills and stunning vantage points in the upper reaches of the forest. There are six nature parks in Rhineland-Palatinate and Hessen where excellent walks enjoy top priority. The Westerwaldsteig offers a workout for both mind and body with its short stages, wide variety of diversions en route and fascinating daily destinations.
Travel Planner
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Quality-certified trail

Travel Information
Public transport: By train on the Rhine route to Rheinbrohl and then bus no. 370 to Arienheller.
Car: Via the A61 (Sinzig) and B42 to Rheinbrohl-Arienheller.
Public transport: By train from Herborn heading for Betzdorf/Cologne, Ruhr area (Ruhrgebiet) or Rhine-Main.
Car: Join the A61 at Herborn.
Public transport: By train on the Rhine route to Rheinbrohl and then bus no. 370 to Arienheller.
Car: Via the A61 (Sinzig) and B42 to Rheinbrohl-Arienheller.
Public transport: By train from Herborn heading for Betzdorf/Cologne, Ruhr area (Ruhrgebiet) or Rhine-Main.
Car: Join the A61 at Herborn.
21.2 °F, heavy cloudsBremen
26.6 °F, brightDresden
28.4 °F, dull weatherDüsseldorf
32 °F, heavy cloudsErfurt
21.2 °F, cloudyFrankfurt
28.4 °F, heavy cloudsHamburg
23 °F, brightHannover
28.4 °F, cloudyKiel
24.8 °F, brightCologne
32 °F, heavy cloudsMagdeburg
28.4 °F, brightMainz
28.4 °F, heavy cloudsMunich
28.4 °F, cloudyPotsdam
23 °F, fogSaarbrücken
30.2 °F, snow showerSchwerin
15.8 °F, brightWiesbaden
28.4 °F, heavy clouds