Hiking Experience - Nordic Walking
- 66-Seen Wanderweg
- Altmühltal-Panoramaweg
- Ausoniusweg
- Seensteig
- Burgenwanderweg / Naturpark Hoher Fläming
- Der Donauberglandweg
- Eifelsteig
- Elb-Höhenweg
- Fränkischer Gebirgsweg
- Frankenwald Burgenweg
- Gipfelwanderweg Suhl
- Goethewanderweg Ilmenau
- Goldsteig
- GrünGürtel Rundwanderweg
- Harzer-Hexen-Stieg
- Hermannshöhen
- Der Hochrhöner
- Kellerwaldsteig
- Kyffhäuserweg
- Losheimer Felsenweg
- Mühlensteig
- Mosel.Erlebnis.Route
- Der Oberlausitzer Bergweg
- Der Rennsteig
- Die elf Traumpfade
- Rheinsteig
- Der Rothaarsteig
- Sächsische Schweiz Malerweg
- Saar-Hunsrück-Steig
- Der Schluchtensteig
- Schwäbische Alb-Nordrandweg
- Sintfeld-Höhenweg
- Spessartwege 1 & 2
- Talsperrenweg Zeulenroda
- Uplandsteig
- Vogtland Panorama Weg
- Themenwanderweg „Von Bach zu Goethe“
- Vulkanring Vogelsberg
- Weinwanderweg Rhein-Nahe
- Weserberglandweg
- Westerwaldsteig
- Westweg
- Winterberger Hochtour
Contact (Route)
Hunsrück-Touristik GmbHHunsrückhaus
D-54411 Deuselbach
Telefon +49 (0) 6504 950460

Deutscher WanderverbandWilhelmshöher Allee 157-159
D-34121 Kassel
Tel.: +49 (0)561-93873-0
E-Mail: info@wanderverband.de
Length, Start/End
109km, Bingen - Trier
Highest elevation: 628m
Altitude profile
109km, Bingen - Trier
Highest elevation: 628m
Altitude profile

1. | Bingen - Rheinböllen | 23 km |
2. | Rheinböllen - Kirchberg | 19 km |
3. | Kirchberg - Morbach-Gonzerath | 25 km |
4. | Morbach-Gonzerath - Gräfendhron | 12 km |
5. | Gräfendhron - Fell | 18 km |
6. | Fell - Trier | 12 km |
- discover a holiday region
Hunsrück, Nahe and Glan
Hunsrück and Nahe region
Shopping in Trier
Saar-Hunsrück nature reserve
Hunsrück, Nahe and Glan
Hunsrück and Nahe region
Shopping in Trier
Saar-Hunsrück nature reserve
A flying visit to Trier doesn't really do it justice, so it's well worth catching the bus from Fell and spending a whole day in the imperial city: visit the colossal Porta Nigra, the Imperial Thermal Baths, the oldest cathedral in Germany and Constantine's basilica, then hop on the no. 6 or no. 16 bus to the Olewig district to see the amphitheatre.
A flying visit to Trier doesn't really do it justice, so it's well worth catching the bus from Fell and spending a whole day in the imperial city: visit the colossal Porta Nigra, the Imperial Thermal Baths, the oldest cathedral in Germany and Constantine's basilica, then hop on the no. 6 or no. 16 bus to the Olewig district to see the amphitheatre.
Walking the Roman road from Bingen to Trier
In 368 BC, the Roman poet and scholar Ausonius travelled across the Hunsrück hills from “Bingium” on the Rhine to Augusta Treverorum on the Moselle. In those days it was a dangerous and difficult journey, but today it is a joy to wander through this glorious landscape with its wealth of cultural heritage and natural beauty. As you walk, think of Ausonius who gave his name to the Roman road and modern-day hiking trail.
From one world heritage site to another
Bingen marks the start of the Upper Middle Rhine Valley world heritage site. The town's many attractions, including the well-known “Mouse Tower”, make it a popular destination for many Rhine visitors. The St. Martin basilica stands on the site of a former Roman temple, in the shadow of the mighty Klopp Castle. The trail begins by the Drusus bridge across the Nahe river, which has been a crossing point since around the time of Christ's birth. Its stone arches thus represent the start of a journey through the Hunsrück hills that rolls back the centuries to Roman times. The final destination is Trier, which, 300 years later, became an imperial seat and the most important city in the western empire alongside Rome. There is so much to discover, not to mention plenty of peace and quiet to enjoy in the unspoilt uplands: Roman games at the Ausoniushütte featuring a section of the original Roman road, the reconstructed Roman watchtower near Dill and Belginum Archaeological Park near Morbach, where temples, military camps and burial grounds have been excavated.
Hunsrück hills - ideal walking country
Flower-filled summer meadows, colourful autumn woods or clear, frosty winter days - the Hunsrück has a different face for every season and walking the Ausoniusweg is a true pleasure at any time of year. There is a steep climb near the beginning to get the blood pumping, but after that it is mostly level. With plenty to see and do along the way, and lots of walker-friendly accommodation, this is a perfect week's hike. All you have to do is walk - the rest will be taken care of.
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Travel Information
Public Transport: Mainz - Koblenz train to Bingen
Buses 1, 2, 3 and 8 (www.rnn.de) to Bingerbrück-Drususbrücke
Car: A61 Koblenz - Ludwigshafen or A60 Mainz - Bingen to Binger Dreieck/Bingen-Süd.
Public transport: By train from Trier towards Koblenz or via Saarburg towards Saarbrücken.
Car: A1 towards Koblenz or Saarbrücken, via the Hunsrückhöhenstrasse towards Rhine-Main.
Public Transport: Mainz - Koblenz train to Bingen
Buses 1, 2, 3 and 8 (www.rnn.de) to Bingerbrück-Drususbrücke
Car: A61 Koblenz - Ludwigshafen or A60 Mainz - Bingen to Binger Dreieck/Bingen-Süd.
Public transport: By train from Trier towards Koblenz or via Saarburg towards Saarbrücken.
Car: A1 towards Koblenz or Saarbrücken, via the Hunsrückhöhenstrasse towards Rhine-Main.
21.2 °F, heavy cloudsBremen
26.6 °F, brightDresden
28.4 °F, dull weatherDüsseldorf
32 °F, heavy cloudsErfurt
21.2 °F, cloudyFrankfurt
28.4 °F, heavy cloudsHamburg
23 °F, brightHannover
28.4 °F, cloudyKiel
24.8 °F, brightCologne
32 °F, heavy cloudsMagdeburg
28.4 °F, brightMainz
28.4 °F, heavy cloudsMunich
28.4 °F, cloudyPotsdam
23 °F, fogSaarbrücken
30.2 °F, snow showerSchwerin
15.8 °F, brightWiesbaden
28.4 °F, heavy clouds