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Want to know more about Germany?
Dip into our inspiring eBrochure and get your first impressions about the sheer diversity of Germany as a travel destination. The eBrochure is available in 29 different languages for Windows PC, Macintosh Computers and Linux PC.

Download eBrochure (.zip ∼ 300MB):

Further information:
You can find more information about Germany on our website at:, or on our local websites.


Getting There & Around

Lufthansa and other major airlines offer many direct connections from the US to Germany, making it quick and easy to take a trip across the Atlantic. Upon arrival in Germany your clients have the choice of a sophisticated railway transportation network or the country's excellent Autobahns (interstates and freeways) for their onward travel.

Incoming Tour Operators in Germany


Map & Weather Forecast

Sunflower under blue skies; Copyright DZT, Photo by D. Geiger
Your clients are all set to go to Germany but they don't know what kind of clothing to pack? Click here to find a map and weather forecast for their travel destination in Germany.

Map of Germany

Icon: Deutschlandkarte Zoomable interactive Map of Germany with a selection of several topics.
Click here!

Resource Guide for Agents

Destination Germany is our resource guide for travel pro- fessionals.
Click here to download the latest edition and find tips on affordable travel and vacations of great value for your clients; including special offers, destination spotlights, upco- ming events and accommodations.

Panoramic Pictures and Movies