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Suggested excursions

Whilst staying in Bad Driburg you can take lots of interesting daytrips to places in the surrounding area. You can see how glass is made at the Erpentrup forest glassworks, climb the majestic Externsteine sandstone crags or explore buildings dating back to the Weser Renaissance period.
Erpentrup Forest Glassworks
The glassworks are located at the heart of the Teutoburg Forest and cover an area of around 1,000 square metres. Here you can learn about the art of glass blowing and processing. The first workshop dates back to 1420. The glassworks are committed to this traditional craft and all glass objects here are made purely by hand, the way it has been done for generations. Visitors can observe up close how, under the skilled hands of the craftsmen, the 1200°C lumps of glass are shaped, blown and cast. There is also a small museum connected to the glassworks.
Externsteine natural monument
At Horn-Bad Meinberg is the Externsteine natural monument, a group of 13 mystical sandstone crags in the middle of a landscape without any other rocks. The bizarre rock formations, each up to around 38 metres in height, are both a natural and cultural monument, and attract a large number of visitors every year. The relief carved into the rocks on the left hand side of the entrance is an important piece of art history. You can climb up the two main crags until dusk.
Weser Renaissance Route
This 350 kilometre cultural route passes through the states of Hessen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony and the city of Bremen, connecting architectural monuments of the 16th and early 17th century. The river Weser gave its name to the style of architecture which combines Italianate and West European elements, and which saw the landed gentry and bourgeoisie adorn their homes with lavish façades and ornately decorated gables and cornerstones. The route features palaces and manor houses, town halls and patrician buildings in stone or of half-timbered construction.
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