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Invitation to the flesh - creeping spectacle; the clanking of chains and the chattering of teeth

The magnificence of the castles and palaces was also reflected in the lives of their former masters. However, these places were the backdrop for both great deeds and monstrous crimes. Divine justice ensured that the guilty did not escape unmolested, in the form of whole arsenal of hideous punishments, which exceeded even the villains in cruelty. No wonder that nowadays many castles and palaces still reverberate with the sound of the torture and torment of victims and perpetrators. It goes without saying that on very dark nights you can hear the clanking of chains, wake up startled to hear screams, ghostly figures will appear in passageways and beams will creak like thumbscrews. Then when it is finally all still, that is when the real horror begins.

Why are castles and palaces so often haunted? Perhaps it is because old buildings intensely stimulate the imagination. There is also the fact that these properties have belonged to one family for centuries, and reports of ghosts will have been passed down and elaborated on from generation to generation. Mysterious events which in other circumstances are quickly forgotten, have a longer-lasting impact here and are probably often even exaggerated. People who are more perceptive to sounds, images, vibes, and energies and leaps in the subconscious mind, can frequently have extra-sensory experiences at an old castles.

The kind of older and newer happenings which have been passed down varies enormously. Most of the reports concern sightings of ghosts. These include frequent sightings of a ghostly "white woman", followed by ghosts in chains, knights enveloped in flames, hunchbacks, armed ghosts, silhouettes of dead people, silent Capuchin monks, and also friendly ghostly apparitions in the mood for a bit of fun. Highlight of the ghostly operations is doubtless the ghostly role-play, whereby the whole company dresses up in historic costumes for the evening.

Variations of this theme are centered around all the senses. You can hear voices, moans, and strange footsteps, and also mediaeval music, creaking beams, the rustling of paper and muffled thuds. Many have quite strange dreams, smell pungent odours, or are affected by an invisible ghost. People have experienced objects moving or changing, and bells ringing, and you cannot even feel safe from the ghostly apparitions of dogs, cats and horses. Be there in suspense on the stroke of midnight to find out what is going to befall you!