In addition to culinary delights, visitors can also enjoy many other activities. In the asparagus-producing town of Schwetzingen, for example, relaxation and fun are on offer at the Bellamar leisure pool, a kaleidoscope of colours, flowers and bubbling fountains with a water jet grotto and a pool with underwater currents. For a premiere sporting experience, head for Hockenheim, the famous Formula 1 town, and the Hockenheimring. If you've always dreamt of going for a spin at the Hockenheimring, now's your chance. Every Thursday from April to October you can take to the track in a car or on a motorbike. The racetrack's Skate Date inline event is another opportunity to imagine yourself as Michael Schumacher. Glide round the track a few times, then enjoy the "aprčs-skate" in the straights at the start and the finish. Skate hire is available, so everyone can join in the fun. In Reilingen visitors can follow a very informative trail about the cultivation of asparagus and tobacco plants.

Europe's largest asparagus festival is held in Bruchsal, which lies on the Upper Rhine plain on the edge of the Kraichgau hills. Visitors to Bruchsal can also admire the baroque palace with its magnificent Balthasar Neumann staircase. The Baden Asparagus Route then continues to Graben-Neudorf, the largest asparagus producing community in Baden-Württemberg. One highlight of the popular Neudorf Asparagus Festival, held in May, is the appearance of the Asparagus Queen. Karlsruhe, a former ducal town, offers many attractions including the Baden State Museum with its beautiful gardens and the majolica manufactory and museum. After Rastatt and Hügelsheim, Scherzheim marks the end of the Asparagus Route. In order to see, experience and enjoy everything this tour has to offer, you could do it all again, in the other direction this time, making your way back towards Schwetzingen.